Click on your question and the answer will appear. You can click on the question again and it will disappear.
- All
- 1. Membership - Renewal
- 2. Membership - Join
- 3. Username/Password and Email Address
- 4. Events (includes Activities)
- 5. Misc
1. Membership - Renewal
1a. I am a current HPREC member. How do I renew my membership online starting September 1 and ending November 30, 2022?
Your membership data has been pre-loaded into the new myHPREC system.  We need you to confirm that the information is current and complete. If you currently receive paper newsletter at home, your membership option will display as Online+Print newsletter; otherwise, it will be Online.
- Online (no printed copy of newsletter mailed to you) for price of $15 per year OR
- Online+Print (newsletter mailed to your home 6 times a year) for a price of $20 per year
- Follow these steps to “reset” your personal password:
- Click on Log in under the Login/Logout in panel to the right
- Click on Forgot Password
- Enter your Email Address, then click REQUEST PASSWORD RESET black box. You will receive Password Reset email with a link to reset your password.
- Open up the email message sent to you and click on the link.
- Enter your new Password and enter again into Password Confirmation
- Click UPDATE PASSWORD black box
- You are now logged into myHPREC home page (will receive a confirming email).
- Follow these steps to renew your membership:
- Click on Renew Membership in panel to the right
- Scroll down and click on Renew Online Membership (if you’ve not been receiving a paper newsletter at your home) or the Renew Online+Print Membership (if you have been receiving it).
- You have an opportunity to change membership option by clicking on Change Membership to… in blue box
- Scroll down and Review ALL the information and update as needed:
- Read the Non-Responsibility Declaration section, then select check box
- Enter what information you want displayed in Directory or not to be listed
- Select Payment option:
- Stripe payment to pay by credit card
- Click on SUBMIT black button
- Enter credit card information, then click SUBMIT black button
- Credit card info is NOT retained by HPREC.
- Offline by Mailing Check to mail in check
- Click on SUBMIT black button
- Mail check to: HPREC P.O. Box 86Â Mountain View, CA. 94042-0086
- Stripe payment to pay by credit card
1b. How do I renew my HPREC membership offline and pay by check?
- HPREC will send you an invoice in October if you did not renew online during September.
- We still encourage you to renew and pay online (which requires providing your email address), or at least renew online and pay by mailing a check to HPREC. You will need to “reset” your system-generated password to one of your personal choosing.
- You will be notified by email when your payment has been processed. Then you can log in for full access to myHPREC, including the member-only web pages (newsletters, member directory, retiree company contacts, discounts/benefits).
- However, if you still wish to renew offline, complete the invoice form with your membership option selected, include a check and return by mail to HPREC. Membership admin processing time takes 2 to 3 weeks.
- If you provide your email address on the invoice form, you will be notified by email when your payment has been processed. Then you can “reset” your system-generated password to one of your personal choosing and access member-only web pages.
- If you have NOT provided HPREC with an email address, you will not be able to access member-only web pages. This includes newsletters. You need to select $20 – Online+Print as your Membership option on the invoice form to receive print copies of the newsletter mailed to your home.
- You can confirm that your membership is active once your check clears at your bank
1c. I let my membership expire/lapse. How do I rejoin HPREC?
If you had a current membership anytime between 2017 and 2019, we may have preloaded your data into the new system.
- Follow these steps to “reset” your personal password:
- Click on Log in under the Login/Logout in panel to the right
- Click on Forgot Password
- Enter your Email Address, then click REQUEST PASSWORD RESET black box. You will receive Password Reset email with a link to reset your password.
- Open up the email message sent to you and click on the link.
- Enter your new Password and enter again into Password Confirmation
- Click UPDATE PASSWORD black box
- You are now logged into myHPREC home page (will receive a confirming email).
- If successful with 3a:
- Click on Renew Membership in panel to the right
- Scroll down and click on Renew Online Membership (if you’ve not been receiving a paper newsletter at your home) or the Renew Online+Print Membership (if you have been receiving it).
- You have an opportunity to change membership option by clicking on Change Membership to… in blue box
- Scroll down and Review ALL the information and update as needed:
- Read the Non-Responsibility Declaration section, then select check box
- Enter what information you want displayed in Directory or not to be listed
- Select Payment option:
- Stripe payment to pay by credit card
- Click on SUBMIT black button
- Enter credit card information, then click SUBMIT black button
- Credit card info is NOT retained by HPREC
- Offline by Mailing Check to mail in check
- Click on SUBMIT black button
- Mail check to: HPREC Â P.O. Box 86Â Mountain View, CA. 94042-0086
- Stripe payment to pay by credit card
- If not successful with 3a (email address was not found), then your data was not pre-loaded. See FAQ 1r to rejoin.
1d. I was a member prior to 2017, how do I rejoin?
See FAQ 2a How do I join HPREC online as a new or rejoining member?
1e. I paid my membership dues with a credit card. Are renewal dues automatically charged to that card?
No, credit card information is not retained for the following year’s renewal.
1f. When will my membership expire?
- If you are able to log in, your membership is active.
- If you wish to check further, from the top menu bar, hover over Membership
- Click on View/Update Member Info
- Click on Subscriptions, and a chart will display showing you your current membership option including expiration date. Memberships always expire at the end of each fiscal year (Oct 31).
1g. How do I change my personal password?
- Click on Log in under the Log in/out in panel to the right
- From the top menu bar, hover over Membership
- Click on View/Update Member Info
- Scroll down to the bottom of screen, then click on Change Password
- Enter New Password and Confirm New Password, then click UPDATE PASSWORD black button
1h. What is the HPREC membership cycle?
HPREC membership follows the Club’s fiscal year cycle of November 1 thru October 31 of the following year.
1i. What are the differences between the two membership options?
- The Online membership option includes access to all online services including the online newsletter and online Directory. It includes the annual printed Directory mailed to home address if you have opted in. It does not include the printed newsletter mailed to home address.
- The Online+Print membership option includes everything in 1i.a. Online plus printed newsletter mailed to home address 6 times a year.
1j. Can I transfer my membership to someone else?
Memberships are non-transferable and non-refundable. A deceased member’s membership can be transferred to the spouse, regardless of whether s/he worked at HP or other legacy company.
1k. How can I cancel my membership?
Memberships are non-refundable. If you wish to not continue your membership, at any time, with your request.
1l. How do I switch between membership options during the renewal season?
Follow these steps to switch membership options during the 2020 renewal season:
- Once logged in, click on Renew Membership in panel to the right
-  Scroll down and click on Renew Online Membership (if you’ve not been receiving a paper newsletter at your home) or the Renew Online+Print Membership (if you have been receiving it).
- You have an opportunity to change membership option by clicking on Change Membership to… in blue box
- Scroll down and Review ALL the information and update as needed:
- Read the Non-Responsibility Declaration section, then select check box
- Enter what information you want displayed in Directory or not to be listed
- Select Payment option:
- Stripe payment to pay by credit card
- Click on SUBMIT black button
- Enter credit card information, then click SUBMIT black button
- Credit card info is NOT retained by HPREC.
- Offline by Mailing Check to mail in check
- Click on SUBMIT black button
- Mail check to: HPREC P.O. Box 86Â Mountain View, CA. 94042-0086
- Stripe payment to pay by credit card
1m. Can I switch my membership option outside of the renewal season?
We recommend you change your membership option during the renewal season. Choosing which option you want cannot be implemented other than at the beginning of a fiscal year. You can ADD another year to your subscription mid-season, thereby extending your membership to the end of the following fiscal year. It may only be a benefit to you if you won’t have access to the website during the renewal season.
- If you want to make the change:
- From the top menu bar, hover over Membership
- Click on View/Update Member Info
- Click Subscriptions then click Change Plan
- Select membership option and complete the process steps.
- Your change will take effect at the start of the next fiscal year.
1n. Is there a grace period for membership renewals?
The grace period for renewals has been eliminated. This change will assist with reducing expenses and administrative burden on our Membership and Tech Team volunteers. The Board determined that a 2-month renewal window should be adequate.
- For FY21, the membership renewal cycle was September 1 through November 30. As of December 1, 2020, your membership expired – online access and printed newsletter (if enrolled) will no longer be active until you renew.
- For FY22, the membership renewal cycle will be September 1 through October 31. As of November 1, 2021, your membership will expire. In September 2021, an email renewal message will be sent out, so you have 2 months to renew or lose access rights –Â online access and printed newsletter (if enrolled) will no longer be active until you renew.
1o. Who should I contact if I have questions about my membership?
Send your questions in email message to
Someone from the Membership Team will respond back to you.
1p. When will I receive my membership renewal notice?
On September 1st, an email renewal notice will be sent out.
If you don’t have an email address, September newsletter will contain membership renewal form. We will not mail printed invoice to your home.
1q. How do I change my address or email address or phone number, etc?
- Click on Log in under the Log in/out in panel to the right
- From the top menu bar, hover over Membership
- Click on View/Update Member Info
- Scroll down to the item(s) you need to update and make change(s)
- Click SAVE PROFILE black button and your data will be saved and updated immediately. You can confirm this by looking up your name in the Online Directory (top menu bar) Member Listing
1r. What if my email address doesn’t work?
- Use the email address where you received the renewal email.
- If you did NOT receive a renewal email, try other email addresses you may have used in the past. Note, if the email address you’ve previously used for the Club has been abandoned, then you will not be able to receive the Password Reset email. If you don’t have access to the email address, click on Join the Club in the panel to the right and follow the steps to join the Club.
- If you did not provide an email address or your email address was not accepted by the Forgot Password process, then your email does not match what was loaded from Legacy Membership database or the data was not transferred. In that case, click on Join the Club in the panel to the right and follow the steps to join the Club. An email address is required of this system for Club membership; you can elect to NOT have it displayed in the online and printed Directory. The Club does not share personal information.
1s. How do I view my membership status and when I paid membership fee?
- Click on Log in under the Login/Logout in panel to the right.
- From the top menu bar, hover over Membership.
- Click on View/Update Member Info.
- In the middle of screen, you will find Home Subscriptions Payments… then click on Subscriptions.
- Look at data in the table column name = SUBSCRIPTION.  You will see Expires: date.  This is the date your membership will expire.
- Click on Payments to view when you paid for your membership fee.
2. Membership - Join
2a. How do I join HPREC online as a new or rejoining member?
- Click on Join the Club in panel to the right
- Select membership option of either
- Online (no printed copy of newsletter mailed to you) for price of $15 per year OR
- Online+Print (newsletter mailed to your home 6 times a year) for a price of $20 per year
- Fill in ALL required information on the online form:
- Read the Non-Responsibility Declaration section, then select check box
- Enter what information you want displayed in Directory or not to be listed
- Select Payment option:
- Stripe payment to pay by credit card
- Click on SUBMIT black button
- Enter credit card information, then click SUBMIT black button
- Credit card info is NOT retained by HPREC.
- Offline by Mailing Check to mail in check
- Click on SUBMIT black button
- Mail check to: HPREC P.O. Box 86Â Mountain View, CA. 94042-0086
- Stripe payment to pay by credit card
3. Username/Password and Email Address
3a. I don’t remember my username. What should I do?
- You can use your email address instead of username to log in.
- If you renewed, the system generated your username and it appeared in an email confirming your renewal.
- If you joined, your username will appear in your Welcome (name) to myHPREC” email.
- If you didn’t retain these, then you can also find your username in other “confirming” emails. It will be formatted to have 4-6 letters and 2 numbers.
- If you have subsequently changed your email address, you will need to use your OLD email address to enter the system. To update your email to the current one, go to View/Update Member Info under Membership and update your email address.
3b. I don’t want to remember my username; can I use my email address?
Yes, you can use either username or email address in the Username field to log in.
3c. How do I change my password?
- Click on Log in under the Log in/out in panel to the right
- From the top menu bar, hover over Membership
- Click on View/Update Member Info
- Scroll down to the bottom of screen, then click on Change Password
- Enter New Password and Confirm New Password, then click UPDATE PASSWORD black button
3d. Why does HPREC want my password to show at least Strong?
- A password that is difficult to guess makes it difficult for common hackers to break into a system and will force them to look for another target. The more difficult the password, the lower the likelihood of an unwanted break in or intrusion of a computer or system.
- Passwords should be at least 8 characters in length using a combination of lower and upper case letters, at least one numbers and at least one special characters if allowed. It should not include you first or last names.
- DO NOT reuse the HPREC password to access other website
3e. I don’t remember my personal password. What should I do?
- Click on Log in under the Login/Logout in panel to the right
- Click on Forgot Password
- Enter your Email Address, then click REQUEST PASSWORD RESET black box. You will receive Password Reset email with a link to reset your password. If you did not receive Password Reset email message, check your Junk or Spam folder.
- Open up the email message sent to you and click on the link.
- Enter your new Password and enter again into Password Confirmation
- Click UPDATE PASSWORD black button
- You are now logged into myHPREC home page (will receive a confirming email).
3f. What passwords are obsolete from the migration to myHPREC website?
The “old” Legacy website used Username hprec and Password BayArea-39 and are no longer working.
The Username hpway and the Password toplay are no longer being used either as the Bay Area Employee Programs website was eliminated in 2019. These are all obsolete.
3g. How do I update my email address?
- Click on Log in under the Log in/out in panel to the right.
- From the top menu bar, hover over Membership
- Click on View/Update Member Info
- Scroll down to “Email:*” line
- Enter New email address over the old email address, then scroll to bottom of screen
- Click SAVE PROFILE black button
4. Events (includes Activities)
4a. How do I book a hike/walk or volunteer event?
- Click on Log in under the Log in/out in panel to the right.
- Using the Calendar on right side column, go the date of the event and click red date number.
- Event details will appear on the screen.
- Scroll down to Bookings section, then click Spaces box and select attendee count (including yourself).
- Enter Attendee 1 as yourself with full name.
- Click “HPREC will follow the guidelines for vaccinated people…” check box.
- Enter the next Attendee # with his or her full name (if Spaces is greater than 1).
- HPREC member’s full name and email address will be displayed as information only.
- Enter Member Phone Number.
- Enter Emergency Contact full name and Phone number.
- Click Yes if you plan to meet at the carpool location at 1501 Page Mill Road, otherwise click No. (for hike and walk only)
- Click “Non-Responsibility Declaration…” check box.
- Click REGISTER FOR EVENT black button and Booking successful message will appear.
- You will receive Booking Confirmed email message.
4b. Do I need to book a hike/walk or a volunteer event?
Members must sign up in advance and supply their emergency contact information electronically, especially in our current COVID-19 environment. This is necessary to avoid close contact on the day of the hike and to make sure the maximum of number of hikers for each session is 10 (including the hike leader).
4c. How do I cancel my booking for a hike/walk or a volunteer event?
Call or send an email message to the event leader and inform the leader of your cancellation.
4d. I booked an event, but do not remember if I paid. How do I check?
- Click on Log in under the Log in/out in panel to the right
- From the top menu bar, hover over Activities
- Click on My Event Bookings
- All events you booked will be displayed in event date order (descending)
5. Misc
5a. What if I have a question that is not answered in the FAQs?
Send email message to Someone on the Club’s Board or Membership Team will respond back to you.
5b. Why should I join HPREC?
HPREC provides opportunities for HPI, HPE, Agilent and Keysight retirees and former employees to connect with each other, their former companies, and the community. The Club plans events such as luncheons, picnics, day trips, tours, community volunteer projects, and monthly hiking and drop-in lunches activities. A newsletter keeps members up-to-date on the latest Club news. Dental insurance is available to Club members who reside in California. We have members in over 20 states.
5c. Did the Club change the website address?
- We now can be reached at We added “my” after the .org/ to distinguish it from our old url of
- Until December 1, 2020 , you will be redirected to the new website if you continue to use the “old” one, but after the new year, you will only be able to find the new site by using our new url. Please get used to it and bookmark it or write it down.
5d. What is WordPress?
WordPress is the simplest, most popular way to create a website or blog. In fact, WordPress powers a third of all the websites on the Internet. Yes – more than one in four websites that you visit are likely powered by WordPress.
On a technical level, WordPress is an open-source content management system (CMS).  Thas means that anyone can use or modify the WordPress software for free. A CMS is basically a tool that makes it easy to manage important aspects of your website – like content – without needing to know anything about programming.
5e. How do I stop receiving the printed Member Directory?
To opt-out of the annual printed Directory, hover over Membership (top menu bar), click on View/Update Member Info link, scroll down to “I want to receive printed version of the Club’s Annual Member Directory.” If the box in front has a check mark in it, click on it (removes the check mark) to stop receiving the annual printed Directory