Dental Plan

Delta Dental of California HPREC offers a dental plan option that is specific to this Club

  • DeltaCare USA 

You must be a member of the HPREC Bay Area Club or Southern California HP retiree club and living in California to enroll and to maintain coverage Delta.

HOW TO ENROLL or MAKE CHANGES – Info available when become member and are logged in.


HPREC has negotiated an insurance plan (DeltaCare USA) with Delta Dental for our current members residing in California. Maintaining HPREC membership of at least one member of a family is a requirement to continue enrollment in this plan.

HPREC, INC. has no responsibilities or liabilities regarding this insurance. This plan is NOT administered by HPREC, INC.; it is administered by Delta Dental of California.

All questions should be referred to Delta Dental’s Contact Center at the following toll-free number:

      – DeltaCare USA 800-422-4234


The effective dates: January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2025 (no increase in rates from 2017-18)

DeltaCare USA 2024-25 Qtr. Rates
Enrollee  $97.20
Enrollee + 1 dependent $153.52
Enrollee + 2 or more dependents $220.87

You can view the latest  Combined Evidence of Coverage and Disclosure Form – V21 (52 pages) and Highlight Sheet – V21  (15 pages).  All PDF documents were provided by Delta Dental. ( Note: If you do not have a PDF file viewer, click here to download the latest Adobe Reader for your Operating System.)

Checks should be made out to Delta Dental of California and sent with the enrollment form to:

Attn: Enrollment and Billing  DeltaCare USA
P.O. Box 1803 
Alpharetta, GA 30023

You will be billed directly by Delta Dental for quarterly payments.  Following your enrollment, you will receive a brochure that fully describes the benefits of the plan as well as a membership card with the address and telephone number of your participating dentist.

You may enroll in the plan at any time. Delta Dental usually takes about a month to process your enrollment, and you should receive your membership card by the first of the FOLLOWING month. Your dentist’s office will be notified of your enrollment during this period.

If you decide to continue your HP/Agilent dental insurance via COBRA for a few months, your spouse may join this plan and you may join later. In order for you to join later, we recommend that you telephone the 800 number when you enroll to ensure that your name will be added and the billing changed to “Enrollee plus one dependent” instead of two separate “Employee” rates. It makes no difference which person is shown as enrollee or spouse, but if one of you desires a different dentist, then both of you must enroll under the single enrollee rates.


Call Delta Dental’s Contact Center at 800-422-4234 for assistance with the DeltaCare USA plan.  For general questions regarding enrollment and continued coverage eligibility, or if you run into issues with Delta Dental that you cannot solve directly with them, contact our HPREC Dental Plan liaison at

